Wednesday, February 26, 2020

4 P in marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

4 P in marketing - Essay Example Brand equity is assets that are linked to a brand's name and symbol that adds to the value provided by a product or service to a firm and the customers of that firm.Those assets are generally brand awareness, loyalty, association with the brand and perceived quality value. Brand Equity is the value in the product that is carried through arising out of consumers' choice of that product. Brand image and awareness contribute to the brand equity when consumers have strong belief about that brand and become associated with it as natural and friendly users. Cauvin. blogspot With a view to restore the confidence and trust of UK investors who faced great losses during last credit crisis on account of the sub prime lending and failure of Northern Rock Bank, DREAM HOME fund will been launched in UK for the portfolio of JP Morgan.The main feature of the fund is to invest fund money in govt backed securities and real estate funds in foreign real estate trusts in emerging markets to get security, trust, and good returns. The fund will be of medium duration and enable UK investors to finance their dream homes for their young children when they grow matured. DREAM HOME Investment will position itself in the market to exhibit its strength to park their funds in good and strong portfolio to make it derive good returns with security. The required security will be possible by investments in Municipal bond, other bonds, government securities, gilds. Tax exempt instruments will be preferred. With this view DREAM HOME investment will provide higher interest rate thanks to its investment in high yielding portfolio. Investment in Indian real estate industry, which is thriving now, will provide the image of higher return yielding funds. Sam Fleming, November 1,2007, Daily Mail, Credit crisis 'could cripple UK economy' /content/view/2069/1) visited 0n 17th Nov.09 In Money market funds, returns on investment are very important factor to judge the credibility of the fund. A good and successful money market fund can deliver returns of around 7% per month and around 30% on annual basis. An Australian dollar fund managed by UBS Global Asset Management firm returned 6.9% on month basis and 29.7% on annual basis. On the opposite the Santander's money market fund returned a low 0.27% monthly return in Sept 09. The fund will get the support from the strong brand equity of JP Morgan. To build up further brand equity the product safety and investment security will help. The promotion of the fund will be done through websites and search engine support. The existing channel of distribution will support in promoting the product to wide range UK market. The target market will be mainly those who have burnt their fingers in the last Northern Rock debacle but yet ready to have a home for their dear children. Trust Home will be positioned in that segment to ca sh their sentiment. Brand equity is not made in a day or two. A strong marketing plan ie the most essential for creating strong brand equity. Understanding the market, locating the unattended segment that is unsatisfied or require proper servicing not done before is a must. Attending the unsatisfied investors in UK who neither could nor fulfill their dream home because of high prices or foreclosure will get a new opportunity to do that. Next task important towards building the brand equity of dream Home is to provide a solid background and opportunity to get their dream homes financed at the right time which is not present now because of the deteriorating real estate market but later in future. At present many people have lost their money. They will be able to save for the dream home tomorrow. The Dream Home fund will finance the balance amount after say 10 years for the home for the children. A vital part of their sentiment to gift a home to their children at the most opportune time when the present

Monday, February 10, 2020

Nutrition and Performance Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nutrition and Performance Final - Essay Example Combined with the intake of Vitamin D, the two minerals enhance the development of the bone marrow. The bone marrow forms the basic and primary ‘factory’ of bones. Sufficient intake of the above minerals and vitamins prevent, and, in most instances delay, such bone-related diseases like osteoporosis (Insel 635). Nutritionists and dieticians always drive home the point of practicing proper nutrient intake in young children. The development of the brain counts on the proper intake and balancing of fatty acids, more so the omega type (Nordqvist, blog). As such, the potential of the brain to take part in activities acquires a solid foundation. Further, the later capabilities of the brain get enhanced with the daily intake of the above fatty acids. Nutrition based on low intake of both cholesterol and low fats every day reduces the chances of attacks by heart diseases. It occurs as common knowledge that the high intake of fats fosters the development of heart-related diseases. What has remained in the background involves the tedious procedure the body undergoes in fat digestion and absorption. Therefore, the understanding of the effects of fats and cholesterol early in life, and the implementation of low-fat nutrition reduces heart-related diseases later in life. The make-up of carbohydrates consists of atoms of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in specific quantities (Insel 146). The major classifications of carbohydrates include monosaccharaides, polysaccharides and disaccharides. The nutritional importance of a given saccharide depends on its complexity, which determines time taken for digestion and absorption. The required intake of carbohydrates per gram of food ingested lies at about four kilocalories. Carbohydrates break down to release energy for body use (Insel 147). They can also spike the level of blood sugar. The chemical combination of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen